“Hardas Heart Care starts social media campaign on Cardiac Arrest.”
The prime reason behind this campaign is to raise awareness on the issue of cardiac arrest and the importance of knowing how to administer CPR during the time of emergency.
Hardas Heart Care, through our trust named ‘Hardas Heart Foundation’ has already trained around 10,000 people from the city through more than 70 sessions. The free training program includes giving people training on how to impart CPR and how to identify cardiac arrest.
“Around 88 per cent of cardiac arrest occur at home and most of the victims are healthy to begin with or are not known to have any previous heart problems. Most of us feel helpless in case of cardiac emergency, either because we have not been trained or we have been trained a long time back and we have completely lost the skill to administer CPR.”
What is a cardiac arrest?
A cardiac arrest is when your heart suddenly stops pumping blood round your body, commonly because of a problem with electrical signals in your heart.
When your heart stops pumping blood, your brain is starved of oxygen. This causes you to fall unconscious and stop breathing.
What should we do when someone suffers from cardiac arrest?
- If brain is devoid of blood supply for three to four minutes, the person will die as brain dead.
- Check for his responsiveness. When you know that person is not responding call for an ambulance urgently.
- Give repeated chest compression and mouth to mouth breathing
- One should not stop performing CPR unless one sees definite medical help or definite signs of recovery.